Workplace Injuries in Omaha, NE

Are You a Candidate For Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression?

If you are experiencing pain due to a workplace accident, take comfort in the knowledge that you are not the only one. Workplace pain impacts millions of workers and winds up costing their employers billions each year in workmen’s compensation cases and in lost productivity.

Often times though, lots of occupations can place significant demands on your body, particularly your back, shoulders and neck. And you don’t need to be a nurse, construction worker or factor worker to be in danger for workplace pain. Even regular office work can often times result in back pain and other job-related issues.

Lost Work Days

About 186 million work days are wasted each year because of back pain. This has a pronounced effect on productivity and labor costs.

And even though back pain is one of the most common form of workplace injury, other risks consist of overexertion, falls and repeating motion traumas.

In 2012, the Liberty Mutual insurer performed a workplace safety study. They established the cost of the most disabling workplace injuries and illnesses totaled $51.1 billion yearly in the form of workmen’s compensation costs. That’s nearly $1 billion per week!

Contributing Elements

In another study, the Mayo Clinic had a look at the most common factors that brought about workplace pain:

  • Force: Lifting heavy materials can exert too much force on your back, resulting in injury.
  • Repetition: When you repeat certain movements over and over, it can easily lead to muscle fatigue and injury. This is especially true if you are stretching to the limit of your range of motion or utilizing an uncomfortable body position.
  • Posture: Muscle fatigue and injury also can be brought on by slouching, which exaggerates your back’s natural curves.
  • Stress: Tension at work can increase your stress and anxiety. This has been directly linked to muscle tension and tightness, which can then cause back pain or make back injuries even worse.

Effects of Workplace Injuries

Lower back pain and other workplace injuries can affect other areas of your life. Because they feel their career may be endangered if they report their pain, a lot of people with workplace injuries return to work even despite the fact that they are in pain.

Others are nervous about whether their injury will prevent them from continuing to work. And others spend a great deal of time managing flare-ups and treating their injuries on their own, that they ignore other important aspects of their lives, such as their families and social life.

Gentle, Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Treatment and Workplace Accident

Nobody should need to experience pain in the workplace. If you have had a workplace accident, one option you should consider is gentle, non-surgical spinal decompression treatment. By lightly decompressing the affected spots so that it can return to its normal state, our spinal disk experts can relieve your pain and get you back on your feet in no time.

If you or somebody you know is dealing with pain as the result of a workplace injury, call Omaha Disc Center Right Away at (402) 334-0840 to schedule your free consultation!. Our specialists can tell you if non-surgical spinal decompression therapy is a good option for treating your pain.